Sunday 27 February 2011

review HG 1/144 arios gundam gnhw part 1

Tor my third gundam review I shall be looking at the arios gundam gnhw. The arios fulfilled the role of a fast and manoeuvrable unit in the series and has the ability to transform between mobile suit and mobile armour modes.  This model differs from the original arios as it includes additional heavy weapons.
Static poses

The most obvious feature of this kit is probably the two large bits of kibble hanging from the shoulders. The entire figure is all very angular, with bits jutting out all over the place. This is the first model I used paint on since I painted many details in gunmetal.
Instead of listing points of articulation I'm just going to show you the articulation in the various body parts.


arm has quite a bit of articulation.

shoulder kibble. (personally I think this is what arios should look like with Hallelujah in control)

the shoulder can be moved down where it attaches to the body...

so the arm can move up

waist articulation. The waist can't turn 360 degrees unfortunately but can bed at the abdomen

leg articulation (I removed the rear skirt so articulation might be hindered slightly with it on)
arios is pretty heavily armed in mobile suit mode. This kit comes with:

 Hidden machine guns in the . (The cover must be removed and placed in a different position)

A twin beam rifle

Stored in the front waist armour are arios's beam sabers.

For some reason the beams are different lengths. I don't mind this to much but it just seems a bit odd. Unfortunately the amour on the forearms blocks the bottom of the beam sabers during posing.

The GNHW gives us two additional weapons at the expense of the action base that the original kit came with.

The first heavy weapon is a large beam cannon.

There is a second handle but it's quite difficult to pose with two handed.

The second heavy weapon is a pair of missile launchers. They open and close in a similar fashion to the machine guns on the forearms.

The missile pods attach to arios's back, making it look like something from macross.

This concludes part one of the review. Part two showing arios transformed will be up soon

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