Saturday 5 May 2012

My thoughts on real grades

I haven't updated this blog in ages due to the fact that I just cant be bothered to do full blown reviews. Instead I've decided to use this blog to post my thoughts and opinions of gunpla in general. I'm still planning to post reviews up, but in a much more casual way, with less pics. Anyway on the the main focus of this post.

By now most people reading this blog should know what the real grade line is so I won't bother explaining it. It was only very recently that I bought my first real grade kit; the Zaku II Char custom, which I'll do a review for soon. The reason I chose the Zaku as my first real grade was partially because I already have the other current releases in one form or another. The main reason however was because I believe that the Zaku is one of the designs that benifits the most from the real grade treatment. The Zaku has always seemed to be one of the most realistic looking mecha in the gundam universe and I believe that kits like this, and the recently released gundam mark II, are what real grade should be all about.If you compare this kit to the RG Freedom this kit looks a lot more like a piece of milatary hardware.

Howwever that is not to say I don't think designs like the Freedom should not be made into real grade kits; i'd love to see a real grade Exia for example, but I just believe that the more realistic designs such as the Zaku and Gundam mark II get a lot more out of the real grade format than they would in high grade whereas with sleeker, less realistic designs such as the Freedom, the upcoming Justice and to some extent the Strike and RX-78-2 don't have as much of a contrast between HG/MG kits and real grade.

I'm currently wondering what mobile suit will be the next to get the real grade treatment after the Justice. I've created a list of the most and least likely candidates below. Feel free to suggest any other possibilities in the comments.

  • Zeta gundam/ Hyaku Shiki- With the release of the Mark II this should be fairly obvious. Bandai seem to be doing at least 3 real grades for each series so at least the Zeta should be included. The main problem would be the transformation, namely how would they design the real grade frame to accomodate it? Or would they not use the pre assembled frame for the Zeta? 
  • Turn A- Possibly, I can see this design looking good in real grade but i'm not sure that there would be enough demand for it.
  • Another 0079 suit- Possibly the Guncannon or Gelgoog although this may be unlikley.
  • Exia- Mostly just wishful thinking, still if they're going to do any gundam 00 suits it's likley they'll start with this one since 00 raiser/ Qan both recently got master grade kits.
  • Another SEED/ SEED Destiny kit- Possible although not likely to be released directly after Justice since they seem to be trying to alternate between different series. Most likley suits from SEED Destiny since the SEED suits are being focused on in master grade at the moment.
  • GP01/ GP02-Maybe. The designs would look good in real grade and haven't had any new releases in a while. Will probably be done further down the line though.
  • Something else?- Perhaps they'll release something completely unexpected, after all I doubt many people predicted that the Justice would get a real grade.
Very unlikely
  • Any wing kit- They've just redone all the designs in MG so I doubt any wing kits will get a RG release. I suppose they might release the Wing and Tallges further down the line, especially as a lot of people seemed dissapoionted not to get a MG Tallgese.
  • Any G Gundam suit- Being focused on in HG plus the Suits wouldn't really suit the RG style.
  • Unicorn- Already has a bunch of MGs and HGs being released.
  • AGE- Too recent, currently getting MGs and HGs.
Well there's my thoughts on real grades. If you do read this i'd love to hear any suggestions you may have for future releases.