Tuesday 18 May 2010

review: speed grade 1/200 wing gundam

OK, time for another review, this time I shall be reviewing the 1/200 scale speed grade wing gundam.
 This was the first gunpla kit I ever built and has also been the easiest to build thus far. The main gimmick of the speed grade models is that they come painted on the sprue and are very easy to assemble. This kit took me around an hour and a half to make I think. Colour and detail wise the kit is very nice, the colours are faithful to the anime and there are several small details such as the metallic writing/ symbols on the wings. The paintwork is fairly good on the kit although on mine the yellow paint around the chest orb was marked.

The articulation on this kit is fairly basic. 90 degree bends at both the knees and elbows, ball jointed ankles, hips, wrists,shoulders and head, swivel jointed upper arms and hinges on the wings. As well as this there are no poly caps so the joints get loose very quickly.

In terms of accessories wing gundam comes with his shield, buster rifle and a beam sabre. Due to the small scale and limited articulation it can not transform into it's bird mode.

Wing gundam also comes with a small base/ stand. The base has wing gundam's name and what I assume to be its model number on. The stand can plug in between wings legs or into the back skirt. In order to use the back skirt hole you have to remove a small piece from the skirt. This piece, as well as the stand, can be stored underneath the base.

Overall Speed Grade wing is ok. If you choose to get him my suggestion would be to get him in a pose you like and then leave him as a display model. Mildly recommended

Friday 9 April 2010

Review HG 1/144 gundam exia

To kick-start things I'm going to be doing a review on the 144 scale gundam Exia from gundam oo.

This kit looks amazing. The parts are moulded in colour and any additional detail is provided by stickers. Sadly the stickers are a pain to position correctly. As you can see in the picture Exia looks pretty awesome even without weapons.

Exia has a fairly high level of articulation. He has ball joints in the ankles, double jointed knees, ball jointed hips, a swivel waist, ball jointed head, a swivel and hinge joint at the shoulders, hinge joints at the elbows and ball jointed hands. His pelvic area also has a ball joint where the legs connect.

Time to take a look at the weapons

from the side Exia looks quite sleek and swept back due to all the blades sticking out.

Exia's main weapon is it's GN sword. It can hold the sword in one of three ways: with the blade folded back to reveal a beam pistol, with the blade pointing straight forward or like a regular sword.

Exia's secondary weapons are the GN long and short blades. Although simple exia can do some quite nice poses wielding them. When not in use they can be stored on the hips. Unfortunately they are liable to fall off during posing.

Exia's final weapon is his beam sabre.This is my least favourite part of the kit. Although Exia comes with 4 beam sabre hilts we are only given one lit beam sabre, which then has to have the blade painted. I would have preferred to have four transparent blades like those which normally come with gundams. The hilts plug into the back of the shoulder and waist armour.

In conclusion gundam Exia is an amazing kit although the beam sabre issue is annoying. Highly recommended


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